Middlesboro KY funeral home and cremation

Creech's Lakeland Funeral Home & Creech's Crematorium Ltd. is committed to responsible, honest pricing that is transparent & affordable. Making your final plans in advance is one of the most important gifts you can give your family.

Eulogies are subject to error because the information was given by relatives who did not always remember facts accurately. We've compiled a list of local florists that you may find helpful when making your arrangements. If you don't see what you're looking for, please feel free to contact us for assistance and recommendations on other local resources.

Funeral Sermons [Leichenpredigten][edit | edit source]

We offer personalized funeral arrangements to suit the various needs and financial considerations of all families we serve. Plan a special service to honour the life of your loved one at affordable prices. Our local florists are committed to offering only the finest floral arrangements, and are backed by their professionalism and prompt service. The German Center for Genealogy has an index of about 324,000 names from records of the 1600s to the 1700s. In addition to his parents, Skul was preceded in death by a sister, Amira Schall. Steven is preceded in death by two sisters, Evelyn Phillips, and Genevia Godwin.

creech funeral home obituary line

We encourage you to use our beautifully designed interactive online tributes to pay your respects. This section contains helpful information, such as our pastobituariesand who to contact tosend flowers. Funeral sermons include remarks made by ministers regarding the life of a deceased person. In Germany, these sermons were often collected and published.


The middle and wealthier classes were more likely to have sermons for their dead, but sermons can occasionally be found for farmers, printers, or soldiers. Protestants started the practice and made the most funeral sermons, but Catholic priests also followed the custom. Our experienced team at Creech’s is here to help you navigate through a difficult time while honoring the life of your loved one. We offer support and affordable funeral services that foster human connection and uplifting remembrance with professionalism and outstanding customer service. Published funeral sermons were most popular from about 1550 to about 1750. They usually contain information such as names, dates, places, relatives, life histories, and sometimes pedigrees for many generations.

creech funeral home obituary line


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